Po návratu jsem si myslela, že než bude nějaká akce od Fashion TV, tak to nějakou dobu potrvá, ale nakonec toho doposud bylo víc než jsem čekala. Dnes mám pro vás první post z FTV natáčení. A to jak s vlogem, tak i s hotovou reportáží.
After my arrival from England to Czech I thought it will take a while to have a job for Fashion TV again. However, I’ve had more reportages than I expected and it was from amazing events! Today there’s a first post from the shooting and there will be more, from the rest of them. This one is with vlog and the final reportage, which is already up online on Fashion TV Czech and Slovak.

This backstage reportage is from a day with Reviderm. It hosted this whole event. During the day there was a make-up workshop for make-up artists. It was lead by Giovanni Fasiello who is the main make-up artist for Reviderm in Germany. We had so much fun with him! As during the interview as just in our spare time. You should definitely check his Instagram and Facebook even though he communicates in German. I was also his model to guide others how to do the catwalk make-up. The make-up itself was perfect but for me it was something new and I asked him to change it a bit for the Gala Night then

Reviderm products are so nice to wear on the skin! You can just feel the difference in the quality. It smells so good as well!
Zde máte výslednou reportáž, která běží na Fashion TV 🙂
This is the final reportage which is up on Fashion TV.

Les Palais Art Hotel was obviously full of art pieces and one was about to be done as a part of the program. Karel Gott was painted by an Spanish artist with special method – upside down! WOW!

The day was finished with the Gala to support the Slunce Charity. The whole atmosphere of this event was so nice and friendly as everybody came based on their own initiative. There was also a fashion show of fashion designer Tauchmanová. I can’t forget to mention the beautiful view you can see in the video, food and simply put – perfect day with perfect program and perfect people all around!
Skvělá reportáž Natálko a vlog a fotky samozřejmě taky! Musel to být náročný den, ale ve výsledku to vypadá velmi dobře. Giovanni je fešák jen tak mimochodem. A vůbec se nedivím, že sis nechala upravit líčení, ty černé spodní linky jsou strašný nezvyk u tebe. 🙂
Skvelo si to zvládla 🙂 A máš krásnu fotku s Gotom 🙂
mám moc ráda tvůj blog.. super 😀