V dnešním, takovém speciálním, postu vás beru do Bratislavy, kde jsem byla na dvě akce a mám tu pro vás rovnou i oficiální reportáž z jedné z nich! První je VIP Veuve Clicquot Summer Party, kterou pořádala Fashion TV. Tam jsem pobyla ale jen chvíli, jelikož jsem měla natáčení reportáže o zavedení nového smartphonu, který se podle mě opravdu povedl!
In today’s post, which is pretty special, I’m taking you to Bratislava where I had two FashionTV events. Moreover you can watch the official and final reportage from one of them which is already on FashionTV (interview is also in English!). The first event is VIP Veuve Clicquot Summer Party organized by Fashion TV. However, I spent there only one hour as I had to leave to shoot and host a reportage from launch of new smartphone!
Tady je výsledná reportáž! Dále je článek a fotky z celého dne aneb co bylo před tímto natáčením.
There’s the final reportage! And the article and pictures from the whole day are following!
Vlog je speciální kvůli tomu, že půlka z něj je natáčená na snapchat. Díky tomu v něm máte třeba i „ootd“. Na akci se foťák totiž stále u sebe moc nosit nedá. Já jsem si ale říkala, že vás o ní nechci připravit a zdokumentuji to alespoň takhle. Třeba Möet party jsem vám natáčela také na mobil a už jsem v něm měla místo, tak už to budou i lepší, ne snapchatová, videa, ale o tom zase jindy. Teď zpět do Bratislavy.
This vlog is special as the half of it is taken from my Snapchat. I couldn’t take camera with so I decided to show it to you this way as I didn’t want you to miss this really nice VIP events! Moreover Bratislava was so nice that to not to publish this vlog would be such a shame! 

My first stop in Bratislava was Carlton hotel where the hairdressers prepared my hair. Oh gosh I just love it – just to sit while being extremely indulged. Afterward I just watched the preparations of the party, talked to our CEO of FashionTV and then I had a little walk to my hotel where are stayed at – Tatra hotel – and get ready for the night.

And what about the OUTFIT? The dress code was mandarin orange cocktail as it is typical color for the Veuve Clicquot champagne. I was told this a few days before the event so I was happy I had this dress at home. I know, it’s not the color exactly but you know, who does have orange color in his wardrobe? Do you have one? Or do you like orange color though? I’ve been getting used to last months and in this sunny days I really like it!

Dress: H&M || Purse, Belt: Lindex || Heels: ALDO || Bracelet, earings: I am

The party was really good! I was there just for an hour but what I heard and what I was during the preparation it was pretty obvious it was going to be this successful! Moreover all of the famous Slovak people were invited. Well, I do not know many, so I was just smiling at anybody – next time I will know more – I swear! But after I was finished with my reportage I came back to this summer party and we went for dinner where I was introduced to some of these people and enjoyed really nice evening (ok – night) as they also show me around in Bratislava! I couldn’t have better guides! And what about my reportage though?

To be honest, you can see everything in the vlog! It was interesting and creative launch of new smartphone! What I can say more is that for the business kind of event it was pretty luxurious! Like I mean the place it was held, all the lighting, design and the presentation and smartphone itself was really on high level! Now I want all the camera functions, we are talking about them in vlog and reportage, in my iPhone! What about you?
Druhý den jsem vám potom natočila po snídani takové shrnutí. A jela domů náhradním autobusem, který byl skoro prázdný a já se tak mohla krásně rozvalit u sedaček se stolečkem! Hned se jelo lépe!
Super článek a krásne šaty
Tie oranžové šaty sú krásne. Videla som už reportáže z oboch akcií a vyzeralo to super 🙂 A tú našu "smotánku" čo tam bola nepoznáme poväčšine ani my, tak si z toho nič nerob 😀
Blonďavá Potvora
super fotky a video :O
Úžasné šatičky, moc ti to sluší 🙂
Parádní video a strašně ti to slušelo!
Super video a skvelé fotky 🙂
Natálko, outfit nnaprosto bombovej! Věřím, že to dotáhneš hodně daleko. 🙂
naty, to vy sa vzdy na reportaze do fashion tv obliekate same? nie je to take odveci? 😀